Semi-Conducting: Rambles Through the Post-Cagean Thicket

Chapter 22: The Missing Switch

Grant Park, Chicago, November 4, 2024. At 10PM the elections was called for Barack Obama. It was three minutes before the public quieted enough for him to speak. One of the most joyous nights of my life. Photo by Nicolas Collins.

Nicolas Collins, Pea Soup To Go (2014). Streaming audio web application that shuffles and cross fades forty years of performances of Pea Soup. Click image or HERE to run app (click HERE for archived collection of all recordings).

Nicolas Collins, a short tour of the !trumpet (2020).

Nicolas Collins, Lucky Dip (2020). JavaScript app that shuffles through a collection of fifty short video clips of solo improvisation on the !trumpet.

Birgit Ulher and Nicolas Collins, excerpt from duo improvisation at Stark Bewölkt for Blurred Edges Festival, Hamburg, June 4, 2022. An example of the !trumpet as an instrument optimized for improvisation.

Nicolas Collins, Roll, Pitch & Yaw (2022). Live performance at daadgelerie, Berlin, November 2022.